Thursday, May 20, 2021



CASE . No,564/2021;CRB 342/2021


Land in Kisamula 2 plots 100 by 50, sold to us with a caveat injunction. He went ahead with forging URA documents. The land was bought from a family member as  claimed. I bought the land approximately worth 44m including transfer form fee. 

On many occasions, I requested kisitu to send me a copy of the land title. I told him to transfer everything into Arafat`s Name (my brother). He fraudulently claimed, His father works far miles always and he is keeping them safe. He deceptively convinced me, everything is Ok, that once he gets time, he will definitely collect them. Little did I realise, around march 2021, I discovered literally everything was a fraud.



 I:              (Text) Demanding land Title:.04. Jan.2019, 01. Feb.2019, 10, Feb.2019            
Kisitu:       (Pic) Demarcation of the land title with hidden Address 13. Feb.2019 

  (Audio) rely, the father has them:.04:08. 02.2020.


-          In 2018, Kisitu told me, there is land in Namugongo containing a school at 65m, but the Vendor can accept 60m. He affirmed to me that everything is confirmed as far as the land board is concerned. He convinced me that the land is in a very good geographical location and profitable for development. 

-          Just in the same year 2018, I decided to buy the land for my brother and instructed Kisitu to transfer everything in My brother`s Name. I remember telling him to do everything in accordance with the law. 

-          In the meantime, when I began talking about developing in that Namugongo land, Kisitu often claimed that the Director of the school renting the land is pleading not doing well, children are not paying fees. In good faith. I felt pity for the children and pity for the director, for a while I had to abandon the idea of developing.

-        I went ahead instructing Kisitu not to even collect rent from the Director. I gave the school an extension of one more year free of charge.  This evidence can be traced through my phone, in both  Audio, video and pictures.              




Kisitu :                     (Video)26. Jun.2018-Introducing my brother to the land                                             

                                     (Video) 20.Jul.2018- show the details of the land.

             (Audio) 21. Jul.2018. Affirms everything is paid and cleared  
             (Pic) 21. Oct.2018. Photo of my brother on the land. 
             (Audio) 21. Jul.2018. Affirms everything is paid and cleared  
             (Audio) 28. April.2019, Testifying the ownership of the land verifying the   
             the new landlord who will be collecting rent from the school Director.
             (Audio) school rent can be used as My brother's Tuition fee.
             (Audio) 23. May. 2019. He collects rent from the school. For the first time  
              ever received so far 500,000Ugx.  

School l Director:      May.2021 Testifying report from Mrs Gona Agaso                            
New Vendor:             May. 2021 Testifying report from Mr Galiwango Moses claimed at 65m        
Lc1:                           May.2021  Testifying report from LC 1.within the  zone  .                     
Old vendor:               May .2021 Report still pending due public holiday and president’s  inauguration  


-          In 2018- 2019, In due process, Kisitu came up with another hatched plan of buying the third land in Namugongo at st Lawrence 100 by 100 costing worth 75m in which he claimed he had already paid 20m. He deceptively went ahead claiming that he had also loaned 5.5m from his father to top on and 42,830,000 Ugx the money I had earlier given him for starting a foundation in Namugongo land. 

-          This counterfeit movie, was hardly to detect and fraudulently tricky. I didn't understand why he was already transacting money to the Vendor without my consent. He deceptively went ahead convincing me that I had no option.  I had to complete the payment no matter the consequence?  that the land is profitable, that its well-founded geographical location, is suitable for development.  and very valuable for Arafat's investment. In fact. I was happy I thought Kisitu was wishing me good luck to buy the land 


-         Anxiously as I was, from school loans and borrowing money from Friends, I went ahead buying the land and completing everyone who owed me including 5.5m from his father and 20m from Kisitu Kibuuka himself. Furthermore, since all the land belonged to my brother.  I instructed him to transfer everything in my brother`s Name. I paid for land transfer forms and clear all the debts  

-          Suddenly around 10. March 2021. Everything started falling apart when I got in contact with my distant relative. Mwetise Douglas. He is an architecture whom we studied together, that night, it so happened that I had to relate to him everything all about the Land, literally did he get much concerned. 

-          Our plan that night was to design a project and lay a foundation. In our discussion, that night everybody felt miserably uncountable, we felt there was something fishy concerning the land and indeed there was no exception about it.

-          On 11.03.2021 same day. Thursday around kl 04.08. I sent Kisitu a whatsup text, to a firm to me if he has all land transfer forms of both 3 lands, he definitely confirmed yes. I instructed him to send a copy to me and handle over the rest to Arafat (my brother). He refused to respond to my call.  Consciously now off course I knew this was a well-planned organised fraud and theft. I had no option but to stay calm, assertive and friendly.  He later replied and said he was busy and could not meet Arafat. I later instructed him to give the transfer forms to Douglas who will meet him if he just sends the location. 

-         Cruelly and horrible, he now exclaimed “it seems you don't trust me. Now let me tell you!   I don't have your land but I will pay your money back. My son was sick and I used the   money. I am sorry I will be paying you 3 m every month and within a couple of one year I  will complete the payment period. Those pieces of land you told me to buy, I didn't buy   them. I used your money!”  That’s how ruthless, inhuman and heartless he was!  

-          On 12.03.2021 the next day, When Douglas and my brother paid a visit to the second land of Namugongo, they were all shocked, the school was demolished, and a new construction was taking place. my brother almost collapsed. Douglas held him by the shoulder and had to vanish from the site as quickly as possible in fear of mob Justice who would have claimed their lives in suspicion of land grabbing. I personally of course. I was psychologically destructed and traumatized mentally. But guess what? Thank God. I had to play everything cool. 

-        Though I was distressed, I had no option but to pretend and a bind with whatever Kisitu Muhammed proposed in order to blind him believe and assume everything was Ok. This was done to prevent him from escaping and psychologically freeze him from thinking and creating other fraudulent tactical movies because I realised, he was infiltrating most of my friends. Like Denis, I have the Audio, how they were planning to turn off the phone, escape and deny chargers, and the compromise was for 20m.

-          I realised most of the times Kizitu Kibuuka Muhammed was changing his phone number. He even went ahead to change his names from Kisitu Muhammad to Kibuuka Alias Meddie. I realised also that he was not alone. He was working and coordinating with a well-organized founding team. His father is one of the architects in this land fraud. According to the Audio, LC1 testimony, and money transaction, these give you a clue that some of their Family members speak volume.

-          Those pieces of land I was buying for my brother. He is an orphan and disabled. He wanted to start an investment to help himself and other relatives at large who are badly off. It was out of goodwill and kindness.    


        Kisitu :  (Audio) 13.Jul. 2018 st Lawrence in Namugongo 

(Text) 19. Jul 2018- Kisitu had already paid 20m his father loaned in 5.5m  

top on my money he had 42,830,000 Ugx. 

(Audio) 22. Aug.2018 claimed the father loaned me 4 M.

(Audio) 22. Aug.2018 the father can tolerate longer to demand his 4 M.

(Audio) 01. Dec.2018 stressing to clear land .

I            (Receipt) 03. Dec.2018, sent 20,040,000 UGX to pay for transfer form fee  
Kisitu:  (Text) 11.03.2021 confirms having land transfer forms of all the 3 lands       
Kisitu / Denis (Audio) 29. April.2021 Busted  themselves out and claims good Samaritan    
Denis     (Audio )  May . 2021 Testifying about his plan with Kisitu.


-          He had a severe accident year back which caused one of his friends die instantly. Thank God, He narrowly survived death but ended up having a fractured bone. This has been problematic for him to establish movement for a very long period of time. He has often been feeling uncomfortable and walking sometimes has always been very difficult and painful.   

-          That's why I used Kisitu, whom I knew way back from Norway. I instructed him to help My bother (Arafat) carry out the duty just like how an employer coordinates with his employees. He was to help my brother, buy the land and transfer everything in his names. He later fraudulently took advantage of stealing and obtaining both 2 lands of Namugongo. 100 by 50 and 100 by 100 with an intention of compromising me with 3m every year which is so unjust and unfair.

-          You can imagine I bought those 2 lands worth 130,000,000 Ugx in 2018. It's now 2021 You sell the land and now you think you have the credential of paying me 3 m every month, is that fair?  how heartless are you? That’s a double standard of impunity. At least he would have sold one and leave the rest but, cold heartedly you crab all pieces of land

-          Surely, it’s so sad I got a student loan and how does he expect me to pay back? See how he puts me in a state of limbo. That means if I don't pay, the consequence is to freeze my account and declare bankruptcy which is the most awkward thing to do. Why do I deserve this? 

Criminal felony 

Kisitu Muhammed – Kibuuka Meddi Alias, He is not a small criminal felony to be undermined. He has a well organised established team of theft and fraud movement. they are well organised with knowledge of infiltrating and manipulating government institutional organs like the Judiciary system to mention, court of law, police, land bord and others. These are the institutions that are supposed to help us secure Justice simultaneously are the same institution walking underground being compromised, and infiltrated to create other fraudulent movies to supress Justice and evidence. 

In contrary based on the fact, we are currently running another fraud theft case of Uganda vs Kisitu Muhammed Kibuuka Meddi Alias, so sadly shameful and disgracefully appalling  on many circumstances we have been substantially misconducted and unfairly treated by the Judiciary system working upon our  case, on many occasions they have been leaking information to the culprits, they are  working hand in hand with the culprits teams to create other fraudulent movies to realise the exhibit( The Tipper) , On many occasion they have been trying  their best to sabotage  our  file, they are now trying to supress the evidence .

On 2nd. of June 2021, court hearing, case No,564/2021; CRB 342/2021 of Uganda Vs Kisitu Muhammed Alias Meddie, he failed to Appear with his defence team which is one of the evident pertaining to fact, Justice delayed is Justice denied. Really, we actually don’t want all these common tricks and games of Litigations; we simply need Justice.

We are therefore kindly requesting your office to help us secure justice and an appropriate jurisdiction sincerely because we feel our constitutional rights are being violated by culprits and some members in the government institutional organ working upon our case.


This is a criminal felony case obtaining money worthy 150m through false pretext therefore authorially investigation is required because according to the newspaper and the first case, we belief he is not alone, he has a team of a well organised land fraudsters both in Uganda and abroad.

Granting him Bail I feel, it will be unpleasant consequence; it means, giving him a sovereignty to commit more crime and be able to walk out of it

In our first case, many times, Kisitu and his Team have not been authentic and legitimate enough to substantiate the truth. Even though evidences were displayed in front of them ‘they have instead chosen a pass to go ahead to fake and manipulate more URA documents and Nin Numbers  

The society now knows that kisitu Mohammed is thief and a land fraud ster. Granting him a bail, how will they be perceived by his presence? They will Wonder, how was he able to walk out of the crime untouched?

This can also become a lesson to other fraud sters in the society to acknowledge that once a crime is committed, Justice has to prevail, it means that justice won’t tolerate the arrogance of those taking the advantage of others who work legally to earn a living.  

 We what a better Uganda for everyone. where there is no Theft And fraud, where people understand there is nothing for free, where people learn to establish a living legally? where people learn to live and work without hurting anyone to earn a living?


The payment plan won't work, it's not out of good faith, it's out of pride, giddy and double standard of impunity. Creating a situation desirable to your favour and the Victim is bleeding in Agony. How heartless are you!  

In Exodus 5 :15 the scene of Moses, had God granted Pharaoh the payment plan / the throne. Do you think the children of Israel would coexist?  Do you think Pharaoh would testify the Truth? How many times did we approach you to tell the truth?  Other than giving us conditions like a payment plan, 3 m every month. It's not fair.


Pharaoh arrogantly began giving Moses frustrating conditions, He stubbornly rejected to release the children of Israelis. He stubbornly instructed Moses to bind by his plans even though he was dancing to minor consequences ,.Pharaoh still believed he had a window period to escape the last charger. However, in conclusion, it was too late to legitimately acknowledge and admit the truth. 

For many times we asked Kisitu and his Team , to cooperate . They  stubbornly refused just like pharaoh how many times did Moses convince pharaoh believe in the truth. At last, after seeing many plagues, frogs and tse tse, is when he had to recognise the coexistence of justice and that was too late literally.

Forgive my speech, they say in Luganda. » Umwana Aserra Ne kyitawe « ‘People presenting him speaks Volume. Imagine if we continued having Pharaoh in the community do you think we would continue having a better place to stay. 


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A THIEF AND LAND FRAUD STER   CASE .  No,564/2021;CRB 342/2021 A THIEF AND LAND FRAUD STER   CASE .  No,564/2021;CRB 342/2021