Despite the politicians' relative silence, much of the rhetoric
vilifying LGBT people comes mostly from religious leaders.
As with other social movements
there is also conflict within and between LGBT movements, especially about
strategies for change and debates over exactly who comprises the constituency
that these movements represent.
There is debate over to what extent lesbians,
gays, bisexuals, transgender people, intersexed people and others share common
interests and a need to work together. Leaders of the lesbian and gay movement
often attempted to hide masculine lesbians, feminine gay men, transgender
people, and bisexuals from the public eye, creating internal divisions within
LGBT communities.[
LGBT movements have often adopted a kind of identity politics that sees gay, bisexual and/or transgender people as a fixed class of people; a minority group or groups. Those using this approach aspire to liberal political goals of freedom and equal opportunity, and aim to join the political mainstream on the same level as other groups in society.
Arguing that sexual orientation and gender identity are innate and cannot be consciously changed, attempts to
change gay, lesbian and bisexual people into heterosexuals ("conversion therapy") are generally opposed by the LGBT community. Such
attempts are often based in religious beliefs that perceive gay, lesbian and bisexual activity as
However, others within LGBT
movements have criticised identity politics as limited and flawed, elements of
the queer movement have argued that the categories of gay and
lesbian are restrictive, and attempted to deconstruct those categories, which are seen to "reinforce rather
than challenge a cultural system that will always mark the nonheterosexual as
After the French Revolution the anticlerical feeling in Catholic countries coupled
with the liberalizing effect of the Napoleonic Code made it
possible to sweep away sodomy laws. However, inProtestant countries, where the church was less severe, there was no
general reaction against statutes that were religious in origin. As a result,
many of those countries retained their statutes on sodomy until late in the
20th century.
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