Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Future Dream Kids` Acts  are like all other Norwegian kids with an  exception that they must work harder to excel in school, sport and everything that  passionate their future  but surprisingly  what's so sad is that they end up living under the perceived threat of detention , deportation. terrified with fear panic and trauma

“One thing that you can't hide - is when you're crippled inside nevertheless, You have to let the cat out of the bag otherwise you will be adding a nail in your own coffin because as as a minority or asylum sekker your exposed to deportation and treason back to your home country. 

Imagine feeling like you live on an island, isolated from others because of the persecution you are enduring.

Not a single one of the minorites , not one, spoke of coming to Norway to have a better life for himself or herself. There is simply no personal ambition. They risk lives,, loses crossing overseas. Therefor  deporting them, you make them fools among fools crying to them self in sadness with no hope.

They are risking their lives to feed children or to send money home to wives,  and parents living in squalid poverty. Some are risking their lives to rejoin their families. 

 We know you can't help everyone, but at least everyone can help someone. Asylum seekers are the most compassionate people with no human luxury but only for the seek of helping their fellow human beings to survive, and denying them that human rights is like adding a nail into their own coffin,

One need to understand  instead of EU spending Billions of Aid to the  lawless scum lunatics corrupted governments, they would rather spend that money to eradicate ignorance and prevail freedom, peace and  wisdom  other than  serving  the  purpose of  defending  the  interests of corrupted hooligan hyenas. 

Most of Politicians who are against asylum, are so driven by the ideology of personal success have difficulty understanding that personal ambition is utterly absent from migrants. No sane ambitious person would attempt to cross today.

 Norway has become a war zone against Ugandan LGBT Asylum seekers and other polical Asylum seekers swarming them with unlawful enforcement deportation because of their sexual orientation.

Off course we don`t need to  pretend on the context excused calms that migrates lie, but to what extend would you entrust their safety exposured in the  persecuted country,  will their human crisis be resolved?, the answer is no ! Let’s have some consciou surely  It’s absurd. 

Their believes that borders should be sealed and that enforcement should be vigorous, well I  believe  this shouldn’t be applied to insecure vulnerable migrates with inadequate knowledge seeking asylum based on their sexual orientation,the fact is that most of them come when they are Naive , and problems araise when you use their naivity to addd more salt to an insult . 

These asylum seekers  when they arrived, they come  with low less understanding of asylum procedures , they come when they are very destructive , traumatized mentally, and absurdly the little knowledge they inquire through hearsay off course  they will be anonymously used to seek asylum for safety., this will  complicating everything about their true stories thus defining the ground of a well founded fear. 

All this setbacks of asylum stories happen due to  fear, and panic ,so dont be surprise that during asylum board hearing with his case worker , an applicant will always insist  to his or her hearsay story.

why?  this is self-explanatory ,a question that you don`t need to play around with the answer, an applicant is always  worried of fabrications his or her story,  inconsistently  that can be used against him or her to reject her or his calms for safety. 

 To a layman inconsistancy is defined as lying . To me this is  defined as a well-founded fear of persecution that most case workers don’t seem easily  to recognize that . stakas!!!  I appeal to case workers to be more vigilant well  trained  and professional. 

The Funniest part that hurts, after sessions of the first and the  second asylum rejection, when an applicant gets a chance to appeal with his or her lawyer  , especially during second board  appeal hearing, prosecutors heartlessly from migration board, will always strive to teeth seeking for deportation even though he acknowledges the sincerity coming from the applicant .

This beats my understanding to  wonder where is the humanity, where is the conscious,  even though you’re doing your job, why is the world so hateful of mankind?   

 let’s be realistic ,a country that has been a leader in advocating human rights, cannot be looking other way, while playing underground chess of deporting  migrates who have been brutalized and violated. 

UNJUST DEPORTATION TO  . Undocumented Immigrants

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UNJUST DEPORTATION TO  . Undocumented Immigrants


Author: Andrew s 


Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Author: Andrew s 


Vel etter union med Danmark fra 1380 til 1814 tallet, Norge prøvde å fine egen typiske norsk. De fleste lært å skrive og å lese på Dansk. Grammatisk var på Dansk samtidig snakket ikke de floke Dansk med Dialekter. De som bodde i byen snakket fleste Dansk med de hadde også Norsk ord tale.

Å utvikle språket, det var en stor debatt hvordan man snakker eller hvordan man skriver, det var disse tre muligheter, Dansk, fornorske, Nytt Norskspråklig, de som bodde i Byen med pent høy status foretrukket Dansk og de som bodde på Landet drivet de mest med Norsk Dialekt.

Ivar Aasen som opplevde fra 1818-1896 og Knud Knudsen fra 1812-1895 vare disse to viktige personer som spillet en stor rolle om Norsk skriftspråk. Ivar Asen var Nynorsk faren i 1830 fra vest ladet som taket seg å reise rund Norsk landet fra små bygde til bygde å samle de gamle Norsk dialekter for å skape Norsk grammatisk og ordlister.

Og Knud Knudsen kjent for Bokmål skriftlig språk, i sammen tid 1830 tallet bestemt han Dansks språk med lit Norsk, han lagde Norsk skriftlig språk med Dansks dialekt som vi heter i dag bokmål.

I 1885 tallet i Norsk politikk, de var flere vedtak handler om Norsk språk, det ett spesielt viktig vedtak var Jamstellingsvedtaket som bestemt at Nynorsk og Bokmål skal Norge drive med, resultat var at, de var noen som ønsket seg å fortsette med Danskes, med de fleste andre følte seg å gå videre med de to skriftlige språk, nynorsk fra Ivar Aasen og Bokmål fra Knud Knudsen.

Etter at de bli enige om to språk. I 1900 tallet, Knud Knudsen hadde en ide å samle de to språk for få ett språk, heter samnorsk og mellom 1900- 1950 det var stor forandring om språkreformer, for eksempel, om harde konsonanter(riksmål) i 1907, landsmål og riksmål i 1917.

I 1929 det var landsmål reform som føret til riksmål etter til Bokmål og 1952 det var samnorsk protester i Oslo, tror jeg de var ikke fornøyde med dannelsen av samnorsk.
I 1956 det var ny rettskriving punkt om hvordan læreboknormal skal være på nynorsk og Bokmål, og i 1981, Bokmålsform var ferdig, og 2005 rettskrivningsform var Bokmål and Noe nynorsk.

Slutting resultant var at nynorske og bokmål skal bli brukket ofte, bokmål som ligger ganske mer fra Dansk språk utvikling ble mordene språk i dag og i fremtid norsk språk skal forsetter å utvikle seg kanskje tro jeg med English fordi de mest ligger sammen


author.  Andrew. B


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Det er et afrikansk ordtak som sier at når to elefanter slåss, er det gress som lider. Dette blir et vendepunkt som utløste våre tanker for å komme opp med et forslag for politikere at barna ikke vil huske deg for de materielle tingene du gir dem. Men det de vil huske på er den utdanningen som du gir. 

For å sikre at vår interesse er tatt var på, har vi utviklet en ide som kan hjelpe oss å skape en effektiv skole annonse som vi trodde vil fange Politikernes interesse for å jobbe sammen med oss. ​​Dette betyr at politikerne kan være i stand til å funger som rådgiver men ikke bestemme for oss.

På grunn av dette, bestemte vi å bruke en rekke farger: gul, oransje, rosa, rød og lignende. Dette er fordi disse fargene er aktive, iøynefallende farger med en vennlig natur. 
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Vi håper at dette vil tiltrekke seg oppmerksomhet fra politikere og opinionsledere i lokalsamfunnene. I tillegg, brukte vi disse fargene på vår plakat for å fange politiker oppmerksomhet så raskt som mulig. 

Dette kan hjelpe oss å sende ut et kraftig signal til betrakteren selv før de har hatt tid til å lese og forstå hva reklame er fremme.
Bakgrunn til plakaten var rød. Dette signaliserte fare. Hvorfor det? Dette er fordi evolusjonære teorier mener at tidlig mann lært å assosiere rød med fare. Dette har blitt brukt fordi vi ønsket å stimulere Politikerne til å skape en positivt og kraftig oppfatning.

De fleste av våre bilder på vår plakat var så følelsesmessig og hjerteskjærende. For eksempel, Malala`s bildene var brukt i plakaten fordi hun er en aktivist og ble skutt tre ganger i hodet av Taliban. Hun jobbet for menneskerett, utdanning for jenter og barn og kvinner rettigheter i hjemlandet. Hun også fikk en nobelpris grunn av hennes aktivisme.

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En annen hjerteskjærende bildene var bare en uskyldig ung gutt som holder en kort sak, krysset en jernbanelinje. Dette betyr at hvis en virkelig har bevisst framstiller de bildene oppriktig vondt. Dette blir brukt fordi for å vise den ironisk bevise for politikeren at å nekte barna deres valg til utdanning er som å begå selvmord i sitt fremtidige liv.

Vi har også brukt Kombi E klassebilde som er knyttet til to andre bilder av to jenter som lurte på det som skal skje i deres liv. På dette bildet ønsket vi å bevise for politikeren at kombinasjonen klasse er nøkkelen til å låse opp den gylne døren til frihet uten, er vår fremtid et levende helvete derfor vi trenger aksept, toleranse og forståelse, og det er den mest betydning for frykt for våre liv er overalt.

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Hovedmålet vårt var å bevise politikerne at ungdomstiden er svært følsomme både psykologisk, følelsesmessig og fysisk. 

Derfor trengte vi å få en dyptfølt betraktning som vil hjelpe oss å konsolidere kunnskap, motivasjon og relevant kompetanse i et åpent miljø. Også målet var at politikeren må forstå at disse ungdommene trenge voksene som de kan stole på, et trygt miljø, et åpent samfunn. Dette skaper muligheter for gode læring, jobbe samme med aldersgruppe. Ungdommer liker ikke å bli redde, misforstått og kritisert av voksene eller andre i nettverket.
 Hvis du ønsker å vite saker som gjelder kombinasjonen klasse, må du spør oss. Detter er fordi vi er ofrene som blir berørt i denne situasjonen. Fordi det det er ikke røyk uten ild. Derfor er det viktig at nå informasjon er trengt må folk spørre oss fordi vi liver i situasjonen( sørgende i store mengder følelsen trist). Vi også lurer på hvordan Drammen kommune høyre politiker faktisk vil skygge unna fornyer kombinasjonen klasse prosjekt.

World Education Research Association (WERA) mener at når de unge blir engasjert til å gjøre positive beslutninger for seg selv gi det dem kompetanse til å kunne samhandle positivt med verden rundt dem. Også forskning viser at når ungdommer jobber sammen (i gruppe), få de 100% bedre resultater enn de jobber alene.
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Likevel mener Verdens helseorganisasjon at elevene spiser frokost på skolen skildrer sosialitet, kjærlighet, synlighet forståelse og styrke relasjoner, og derfor føler vi at det 100% uten kombinasjon klasse vårt er håpløs med ingen visjon.

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 Vi tror at de som skal lese våre artikler vil føle emosjonelle, hjerteskjærende, trist, sint, og samtidig troverdig og tillit. Artikkelen er meningsfullt, logikk, interessant og kan bidra med hjelp kombinasjon klasse.

hvorfor er vi demonstrere? Det er fordi vi er bekymret og våre følelser blir såret. Hvorfor kan vi ikke ha konsistent læringsutbytte i denne skolen som andre skoler i kommunen? Hvorfor er vi diskriminert alltid nå det gjelder læring. Hvorfor må vi fornye søknaden hver gang i utdanningssystemet? Vi tror at det er ikke logisk nok for Drammen kommunen til nekte å fornye vårt søknader neste året.  



In the early 1600s, the European settlers had friendly relationship with the native Americans, who believed losing their land, is a stab in the back to their gods, when the conflict erupted in 1890 at wounded knee, mostly were the children and women who were affected.

By then, the Ghost dance belonging to the Sioux tribes, was one way of recognize their way of life style. Today the Pine Ridge India Reservation in South Dakota is one of the poorest place in United states.

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In 1700s , mostly the African American were slave descendants captured from Africa and transported long Caribbean islands to work in USA plantations. Though slave trade was thought to have been abolished in (1861-65) after the supreme court amendment, most African Americans still live a segregating life.
Contribution from human right activists like Harriet Tubman, and Martin Luther king Jr, and USA. president Lyndon B. Johnson, demanded for equal right justice that resulted to civil war and assassination of Martin Luther king Jr as while as USA president.
Today statistic show that many African Americans still live a double life even though they had aback president called Barrack Obama.

The former USA president Barack once said that he admired mostly Martin Luther king Jr. Mahatma Gandhi, and Abraham Lincoln because of their courageous struggle on humanity.'

For example, the sparked demonstration of 1955, at Rosa park against Montgomery Bus Boycott was the greatest revolution lead by civil Right Movement leader Martin Luther king Jr, who was mostly famous of his speech; I have A dream.
However , he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 and in 1968 he was murdered. Today every year third Monday January is a national holiday in his honor.

NELSON MANDELA (1918-2013)
Nelson Mandela was a well-educated South African lawyer born in 1918, He was a member of African National Congress that was formed in 1960 to fight against apartheid policy at Sharpeville that lead to loss of lives. On allegation of trying to sabotage the government, Nelson Mandel was arrested in 1962 and given a life sentence after 2 years at Robben Island. Due to his courageousness, the prison guards always admired him.
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At last, in 1988, the south Africa government began to make changes that gave little leverage to the back students uniting with whites. After 27 year in prison, Nelson Mandela was set free under peace agreement lead by the new president, FW de klerk.
In 1993, Mandela was awarded the Noble peace price, and surprisingly in 1994 his party ANC worn an election where he was declared as the first South African black president until 1999, when he retired, and in 2004, he quit politics as he resorted to staying with his family.

Portugal was the first European country to establish trading in India in 1600`s. later the British, by divide and conquer method in 1800s, took over conquest. In 1947 during India independence, India became a major power in Asia due to its industrialization and technology development in nuclear weapon, space administration and cinema industry.
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Furthermore, Cultural dominance in India, had been influenced by Hindu Muslim who have had several conflicts with Pakistan over Kashmir. Additionally, Problems like child labor, gender discrimination and spread of HIV/ AIDS are still a stabling block to eradicate in India
As far as music industry, cricket sport and India food norms are internationally concerned, many imaginations have been left beyond limit to inspire interests of many people around the world.

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Mohandas Gandhi: was a well-known Hindu extremist barrister in London, born in 1869 in India. In 1891 he returned to India and before his assassination in 1948 by Hindu fanatic, he was working with an India law firm in Durban and South Africa in 1893.'

Beside during his early ages of 20 s in South Africa, he developed an idea of nonviolence protest in 1914 to denounce British colonial rule in his country after saving several sentences. In 1922 Gandhi was again sentenced to six years in prison and later released
In 1947 India gained its independence along with Pakistan, Gandhi withdraw from politics and instead tried to improve Hindu Muslim relationship that spark another violence.

In 1652, South Africa was mixes colored country that was dominantly controlled by the white. The Dutch famers known as the Boer, were the first European settler and later the British empire took over with all its wealth.
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In 1948, South Africa government was administrated by white people who made segregated law called Apartheid against the black native. Today despite South Africa being democratic country, they are still struggling with hate crime, poverty, and epidermis like HIV/AIDS.
However, the country has had a wide diverse culture in music, art and food that attract tourist every year.


Institutionalized homophobia

Religious attitudes

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Many world religions contain anti-homosexual teachings, while other religions have varying degrees of ambivalence, neutrality, or incorporate teachings regarding homosexuals as third gender. Even within some religions which generally discourage homosexuality, there are also people who view homosexuality positively, and some religious denominations bless or conduct same-sex marriages. There also exist so-called Queer religions, dedicated to serving the spiritual needs of LGBTQI persons. Queer theology seeks to provide a counterpoint to religious homophobia. In 2015, attorney and author Roberta Kaplan stated that Kim Davis "is the clearest example of someone who wants to use a religious liberty argument to discriminate [against same-sex couples]."

Christianity and the Bible

The Bible, especially the Old Testament, contains some passages commonly interpreted as condemning homosexuality or same-gender sexual relations. Leviticus 18:22, says "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is also commonly seen as a condemnation of homosexuality. Christians and Jews who oppose homosexuality often cite such passages; historical context and interpretation is more complicated. Scholarly debate over the interpretation of these passages has focused on placing them in proper historical context, for instance pointing out that Sodom's sins are historically interpreted as being other than homosexuality, and on the translation of rare or unusual words in the passages in question. In Religion Dispatches magazine, Candace Chellew-Hodge argues that the six or so verses that are often cited to condemn LGBT people are referring instead to "abusive sex." She states that the Bible has no condemnation for "loving, committed, gay and lesbian relationships" and that Jesus was silent on the subject.
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The official teaching of the Catholic Church regarding homosexuality is that same-sex behavior should not be expressed. The Catechism of the Catholic Church States that, "'homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.'...They are contrary to the natural law.... Under no circumstances can they be approved."] The Catholic Church also campaigns politically against LGBT rights.

Social homophobia

The fear of being identified as gay can be considered as a form of social homophobia. Theorists including Calvin Thomas and Judith Butler have suggested that homophobia can be rooted in an individual's fear of being identified as gay. Homophobia in men is correlated with insecurity about masculinity. For this reason, homophobia is allegedly rampant in sports, and in the subcultureof its supporters that is considered stereotypically male, such as association football and rugby.

These theorists have argued that a person who expresses homophobic thoughts and feelings does so not only to communicate their beliefs about the class of gay people, but also to distance themselves from this class and its social status. Thus, by distancing themselves from gay people, they are reaffirming their role as a heterosexual in a heteronormative culture, thereby attempting to prevent themselves from being labeled and treated as a gay person. This interpretation alludes to the idea that a person may posit violent opposition to "the Other" as a means of establishing their own identity as part of the majority and thus gaining social validation.

Nancy J. Chodorow states that homophobia can be viewed as a method of protection of male masculinity.

Various psychoanalytic theories explain homophobia as a threat to an individual's own same-sex impulses, whether those impulses are imminent or merely hypothetical. This threat causes repression, denial or reaction formation.
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A THIEF AND LAND FRAUD STER   CASE .  No,564/2021;CRB 342/2021 A THIEF AND LAND FRAUD STER   CASE .  No,564/2021;CRB 342/2021