Friday, February 19, 2016


Every artist was first an amateur.

Our Peace of mind comes when our lives are in harmony with true principles and values. This world is, to you, a mirror of your inner self.

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We have to stop wasting time and live out our lives like we planned in our youth. No matter how old we are ? we can always reach for our dreams." The problem is that subconsciously as we age  we become prisoners of ourselves that one finds it difficult to escape his or her own mind. 
"Each of us is called to do something in the name of love, to make sure that humanity comes to understand itself and to be able to choose love over fear. If one may aske why? the fact is that,
"Success is perceptible" We can touch it, smell it and taste it." when  the past is repaired and the future is prepared." 
Therefore , you are what you say and think daily, if only you keep at it the better because ,  Great men always have a starting point from their heart via their lips to their lives."

So similary in  conjunction be  careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dreams. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. You don't plan on being famous, but you do plan on living the dream. "
. You`re the creator of your life and you know you`re deserving of great things and inspiring energy, be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream."  lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success,  , we are aware  that problems are inevitable, Every once in a while we run into a problem  its something that  manifests itself over and over again.

No matter how challenging or demanding your challenges seem to you, you shouldn't stop confronting them. Yes! You have to soldier on, persevere through all of them until you surmount them outright." lets Learn to enjoy the journey because - it is exhilarating when you embrace it fully." 

"If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present."When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living."Be with people who know your VALUE, not your PRICE."Sometimes the best discoveries are the result of simple observations."

"It is strange that we know so little about what good most people do. The most humbling thought ever is that someone is always thinking about you, whether you are here or have passed on, someone is always thinking about you. This is the single most powerful understanding in life that I have come to know."
If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.". "If you genuinely want something, don't wait for it--teach yourself to be impatient."Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning."
If you want to make a permanent change, stop focusing on the size of your problems and start focusing on the size of youYou can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life,, whatever. This approach will never let you down, and it will make all the difference in you life."
The number one reason people fail in life is because they listen to their friends, family, and neighbors."


 written by Andrew

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"It is very important for everyone to have smiled at a stranger, to have helped somebody they will never see again, to have done something kind and/ or nice for somebody with no strings attached, and to have loved somebody unconditionally. There will always come a time, sooner or later, when each of us will feel that we have nothing left to give to this world, or that that this world has everything and does not need anything more from us. At that time, only if we have done the above, will we be able to believe that this world is still capable of smiling at us, helping us, being kind and nice to us, and above all, Life isn't about building walls and hiding behind them. It's about breaking them down and expanding beyond them!"

There comes a time when might must make right, the seeds of an evil foe. For when we stand before our maker face to face to be asked, Did you live to make the world a better place"In the art of democracy, anyone can blame or fame the system but the mission / vision of any system shall be accomplished only if the state of two minds transformed each other with the positive approach."

If you live in darkness and live by the light of the candle, then you must understand the language of the flames before they fade and before you light another."It is about "opportunities" and how we generally ignore them while other people take risks. A blind man is not disabled; he is only unable to see with his eyes. Inability is not disability. A blind mind is worse for he cannot see a way out of his difficulties and he cannot see the opportunities around him, therefore, he suffers."

Cherish every day. Yes, laugh, sing, play and remember to find time to pray. Enjoy the cool breeze or the rays of the sun. Smile and tell someone you love them. Yes, cherish every day before the days pass away." Take time to live and enjoy your life. It is a gift not to be taken lightly. Cherish it and make good use of it.I always welcome obstacles and try to solve them in an awesome manner. Never treat obstacles as problems but treat them as a game and in the such game, play like a Winner because YOU DESERVE IT."Keep in mind obstacles arises to test your confidence. Therefore your confidence must be strong enough to claim your success."One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity."

"To reach your goals, you need to live for only three people: First, God. Second, Yourself. And finally, Nobody."Do not try to impress everybody because you will end up impressing no one including yourself.

image: universally tend to think that happiness is a stroke of luck, something that will maybe descend upon you like fine weather if you're fortunate enough. But that's not how happiness works. Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it, you must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it. If you don't you will eat away your innate contentment. It's easy enough to pray when you're in distress but continuing to pray even when your crisis has passed is like a sealing process, helping your soul hold tight to its good attainments."

Sunday, February 7, 2016



Despite the politicians' relative silence, much of the rhetoric vilifying LGBT people comes mostly from  religious leaders.

As with other social movements there is also conflict within and between LGBT movements, especially about strategies for change and debates over exactly who comprises the constituency that these movements represent. 
There is debate over to what extent lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender people, intersexed people and others share common interests and a need to work together. Leaders of the lesbian and gay movement often attempted to hide masculine lesbians, feminine gay men, transgender people, and bisexuals from the public eye, creating internal divisions within LGBT communities.[

LGBT movements have often adopted a kind of identity politics that sees gay, bisexual and/or transgender people as a fixed class of people; a minority group or groups. Those using this approach aspire to liberal political goals of freedom and equal opportunity, and aim to join the political mainstream on the same level as other groups in society.

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Arguing that sexual orientation and gender identity are innate and cannot be consciously changed, attempts to change gay, lesbian and bisexual people into heterosexuals ("conversion therapy") are generally opposed by the LGBT community. Such attempts are often based in religious beliefs that perceive gay, lesbian and bisexual activity as immoral.

However, others within LGBT movements have criticised identity politics as limited and flawed, elements of the queer movement have argued that the categories of gay and lesbian are restrictive, and attempted to deconstruct those categories, which are seen to "reinforce rather than challenge a cultural system that will always mark the nonheterosexual as inferior.

After the French Revolution the anticlerical feeling in Catholic countries coupled with the liberalizing effect of the Napoleonic Code made it possible to sweep away sodomy laws. However, inProtestant countries, where the church was less severe, there was no general reaction against statutes that were religious in origin. As a result, many of those countries retained their statutes on sodomy until late in the 20th century.



Many world religions contain anti-homosexual teachings, while other religions have varying degrees of ambivalence, neutrality, or incorporate teachings regarding homosexuals as third gender

Even within some religions which generally discourage homosexuality, there are also people who view homosexuality positively, and some religious denominations bless or conduct same-sex marriages. There also exist so-called Queer religions, dedicated to serving the spiritual needs of LGBTQI persons. 

Queer theology seeks to provide a counterpoint to religious homophobia. In 2015, attorney and author Roberta Kaplan stated that Kim Davis "is the clearest example of someone who wants to use a religious liberty argument to discriminate [against same-sex couples]."


The Bible, especially the Old Testament, contains some passages commonly interpreted as condemning homosexuality or same-gender sexual relations. Leviticus 18:22, says "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." 

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is also commonly seen as a condemnation of homosexuality. Christians and Jews who oppose homosexuality often cite such passages; historical context and interpretation is more complicated. 

Scholarly debate over the interpretation of these passages has focused on placing them in proper historical context, for instance pointing out that Sodom's sins are historically interpreted as being other than homosexuality, and on the translation of rare or unusual words in the passages in question. 

In Religion Dispatches magazine, Candace Chellew-Hodge argues that the six or so verses that are often cited to condemn LGBT people are referring instead to "abusive sex." She states that the Bible has no condemnation for "loving, committed, gay and lesbian relationships" and that Jesus was silent on the subject.

The official teaching of the Catholic Church regarding homosexuality is that same-sex behavior should not be expressed. The Catechism of the Catholic Church States that, "'homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.'...They are contrary to the natural law.... Under no circumstances can they be approved."] The Catholic Church also campaigns politically against LGBT rights.

Social homophobia

The fear of being identified as gay can be considered as a form of social homophobia. Theorists including Calvin Thomas and Judith Butler have suggested that homophobia can be rooted in an individual's fear of being identified as gay. Homophobia in men is correlated with insecurity about masculinity. For this reason, homophobia is allegedly rampant in sports, and in the subcultureof its supporters that is considered stereotypically male, such as association football and rugby.

These theorists have argued that a person who expresses homophobic thoughts and feelings does so not only to communicate their beliefs about the class of gay people, but also to distance themselves from this class and its social status. Thus, by distancing themselves from gay people, they are reaffirming their role as a heterosexual in a heteronormative culture, thereby attempting to prevent themselves from being labeled and treated as a gay person. This interpretation alludes to the idea that a person may posit violent opposition to "the Other" as a means of establishing their own identity as part of the majority and thus gaining social validation.
Nancy J. Chodorow states that homophobia can be viewed as a method of protection of male masculinity.

Various psychoanalytic theories explain homophobia as a threat to an individual's own same-sex impulses, whether those impulses are imminent or merely hypothetical. This threat causes repression, denial or reaction formation.




Thousands of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) asylum seekers apply for international protection in Europe each year. The European Union and European States have already taken some concrete and positive steps, such as recognising sexual orientation as a persecution ground in Article 10 of the Qualification Directive. Some Member States have also explicitly added gender identity as a persecution ground in their national legislation (Portugal, Spain) or policy documents (Austria, the United Kingdom); the Qualification Directive may well be amended so as to include gender identity. There are cases in which persecuted LGBTI asylum seekers are recognised as refugees, receive subsidiary protection, or are granted another form of protection in Member States of the European Union


 On a regular basis, LGBTI asylum seekers are returned to their country of origin because they purportedly can prevent persecution by concealing their identity. This denies, for LGBTI applicants, the fundamental notion which is at the heart of refugee law: if people have a well-founded fear of being persecuted on account of the legitimate exercise of a human right, they are entitled to international protection. To require them to renounce their human rights in order to be ‘protected’ negates the function of such rights. Similarly, LGB asylum applicants are regularly returned to countries where they have a well-founded fear of being imprisoned or sentenced to death for engaging in sexual activities with a person of the same gender. A further example is that serious human rights violations against trans people, occurring on a large scale in many parts of the world, often do not lead to asylum.

Reports,  however, shows that there are considerable differences in the way in which European States examine LGBTI asylum applications. As Europe aims at creating a Common European Asylum System with a uniform status, this is highly problematic. The Dublin system, according to which only one EU Member State examines an asylum application, presumes an illusory common standard in the application of refugee law which is sadly lacking. To counter these differences in asylum application treatment, the European Asylum Support Office should give priority to promoting and coordinating the identification and pooling of good practices regarding the examination of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex asylum applications.

A second general conclusion which follows from the present comparative study is that on a number of points, European State practice is below the standards required by international and European human rights and refugee law. European practice clearly shows that national authorities in many instances rely on stereotypes when examining LGBTI asylum applications. 

For example, legal decisions still frequently rely on the idea that the sexual orientation of an asylum seeker is only to be taken seriously when the applicant has an ‘overwhelming and irreversible’ inner urge to have sex with a person of the same gender. These stereotypes exclude persecuted bisexuals from international protection, in addition to other LGBTI people who do not behave in accordance with the stereotypes used by decision makers. Stereotypes may exclude lesbians who do not behave in a masculine way, non-effeminate gays, and LGBTI applicants who have been married or who have children. Furthermore, the fundamental character of the relevant human rights for LGBTI individuals is frequently denied in the asylum



      Some migration authorities do not believe that homosexuality is an innate and unchangeable characteristic. Does why they do not use the immutability Rule ?

They  focus on material proof of sexual identity with hope to use it as an  evidence to decide whether the applicant is a member of a particular social group. 

However, the lack of this evidence , will result  to forced concealment of sexual identity.

The courts often look for proof that fits  conceptions of sexual identity in its country. In denying  asylum claim, an immigration judge , often looks at the applicants  appearance,  dress,  manner, demeanor, gestures, voice, or anything of that nature ,a stereotypical things that society assesses to gays .  They reject LGBT Asylum claim on baseless stereotypes , for instance ,  that if an  applicant  is "not feminine , therefore  he can not be gay, as an assessment , an applicant  is  able to return to his country and  conceal his homosexual identity. 

In one way another ,when an applicant  submits   numbers of  his or her affidavits attesting to his or her engagement in LGBT activities that were in line with the  country`s conceptions  thats to mention, his membership in LGBT groups, his subscriptions to gay magazines, and his participation in gay pride events,

Still the courts migration jugde willl goes ahead to seek proof of sexual identity only but do not include evidence related to sexual conduct   , 
because   they emphasis mostly  on sexual identity which is very problematic especially when applicants are from cultural religious country   where homosexuality is defined primarily as the act of evil , against religion and culture  , act of Aids transmission and shame in the society etc.

Varying Persecution

A review in asylum cases , its evident revealed that LGBT asylum applicants, have particular difficulties in proving their  "well-founded fear of persecution" these factors make LGBT asylum cases very difficult. Without a substantial and consistent body of case law to turn to, immigration judges are often compunded to  develop a comprehensive understanding or appropriate homophobic , or discriminatory rules for determining an LGBT asylum applicant's claim thus leaving the entire applicant case hanging upon the attitude of the  of their decision , in the long run , the final decision is other than  go back to your home country and cancel your sexual Identity . 

Saturday, February 6, 2016


The present study presents the first comparative research ever undertaken on the way in which LGBTI asylum claims are examined across Europe.

Each year, thousands of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people apply for asylum in EU Member States. As the above example illustrates, asylum decisions may be based on problematic notions, and correcting these misguided notions requires paying explicit attention to the LGBTI aspects of the asylum applications concerned.
Yet, little is known about the different ways in which the asylum applications of LGBTI people are dealt with in the different EU Member States

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has issued several reports on Homophobia and Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the EU Member States.2 One of the conclusions of the FRA’s social report is:  “There is a significant lack of both academic research and unofficial NGO data regarding homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in many Member States and at the EU level. (...)

 The data gap analysis shows that there is a profound lack of quantitative and qualitative research and statistics on all the thematic areas covered in this report.” According to this report, asylum is one of the issues which “appear to be profoundly under-researched in all EU Member States.

Present study seeks to help in closing this gap by providing a more extensive and qualitative research with data from lawyers, governments, academics and NGO’s, by describing policy and practice concerning LGBTI asylum seekers. 

In this way, European practice in examining LGBTI asylum applications which is (a) in full accordance with international and European law, and (b) harmonised. The attention to LGBTI human rights has developed significantly in recent years. 

This is illustrated by the fact that the first comprehensive report on homophobia in the EU Member States was published as recently as 2008. On a global level, the Yogyakarta Principles, on the application of existing international human rights standards to issues of sexual orientation and gender identity, were drafted in 2007. 

In 2006, 54 Member states presented a joint statement to the Human Rights Council (HRC), addressing violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity. This was preceded by an earlier attempt led by Brazil to pass a resolution at the Commission on Human Rights in 2003. In 2008, France and the Netherlands took the initiative for a joint statement at the UN General Assembly, which was supported by 66 States. In March 2011, support for a resolution.

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But the  saddest  part is that some European migration authorities do not put these agendas into consideration. Lgbti Asylum seekers  are argued that they would be able to reside safely in their persecuted  mother land if they  concealed their homosexual identity .


A THIEF AND LAND FRAUD STER   CASE .  No,564/2021;CRB 342/2021 A THIEF AND LAND FRAUD STER   CASE .  No,564/2021;CRB 342/2021