Thursday, July 16, 2020



Volongoto is ironically  an anonymous racism institutional deceptively pretending on circumstances' of  good will. 

 As a minority student , these are the facts that you will never hear anywhere. Most minorites comes to  Norway  gifted intellectually, they come full  of big  dreams , inspirations  , passion and motivation to persue and elevate the society around them ,

  However it turns out that most of the  institutions are already compromised , they are conditioned to confine with all their  racial system where necessary . you will be  embedded  with  inequality racism policy, 

In many aspects, you will find your self  being deneid many privileges without your consent , especially in educational programs and decent courses , 

1 - By either  down grading you  with fake grades .

                                                              2- By just simply eliminating you with  unjustisfied ironic deceptive policy

With these deceptive policies ,you will be  forced to offer courses  against your will ,courses  of low qualification . and whenever  you try to inquire, you will  be toast too and flow  just likes ping pong with  irrelevant excuses . 

Just think for a moment , reflect and  flash back the circumstances saturating  around your expectation, your job , work place and your education,  you will definately  realize that your future was already sabotaged before you even set your feet in Norway.. 

In the school compus ,work places ,you can hang around with your fellow students.  but at end guess what, you will of different racial segregation , because the curriculum are already compromised politically .They are programmed  with the  narrative of  inferior supremacy , purposely to benefit their fellow natives .

  Therefore as a wise minority, you don't need to sit back at your comfortable zone waiting for thy Kingdom come no!!! you need to fight back harder , striker harder !! very hard ! be mindful  using their own  Justice system , dont give up !  you will find good people helping you  along the way   because at the end your not going to eat with them on the same silver plate ,  you need to be very thoughtfully in every step you make daily . 

Their institutional system  is neither their  to transform  you to achieve a academically , Hell No cut da crap! there system  is programmed  to humiliate  you  immorally , its modified to deprive you immorally such  that at any law profile Job your called for , you will be  yearning eagerly to own it with less resistance .the system is just programmed  psychologically  to dismantle your self esteem, passion  and dignity as aminority  in order to boost there.

expect nothing in return, because your just like an empty tin living in dismay  , their  justification is to establish a situation that will   enable you consent with their outdated courses, activities and  unjustified programs, that are inaccessible in market arena . 

You are denied the fundamental rights to advanced skilled  courses in  fields like  medicine, Hi Tech industries, Electronics, Economics, leadership and other innovative and creative sectors.

In otherwise its not done by coincidence that your demolished, their ambition is determined  to fashion  an  environment that will  isolate you in  their wealthy financial sector , 

and the in an tempt of trying to execute your right vs Institutional Segregation  ,if your not smart, you will be dealt  with  inadequate irrelevant  an inexcusable  reason,  you will be tossed like ping pong ball  to and flow  because they are wired up like an internet topology which has   satellite  Towers and google as their command  base. 

However , in contrary to  their future dream kids, they will always have all those  priorities  to advance in whatever the circumstance, whether with fake grads or not, the foundation has  already been established for them before even  you thought of  migrating  in their own country .

Dont be surprised that  Some times you be mixed up with their own in the same classrooms,  sports activities  and in other  arena ,  most of them are failure as an irony , you will be integrated as an escape goat for consolidation , in the long run , you will be segregated by their own system despite the fact how smart as you may claim to be,

For instance apprentice denied , application delayed or cancelled , exam results downgraded. fake or made up errors,  and many others lame excuses 

 As aresult pyschologically when your countered with  all these traum,  it`s at this fiscal cliff of the climax , your desperate at every crappy jobs , courses offered or  comes across you. and guess what!  you will naively have no option but to  accept with a smiling  face thinking  its a favour. 


AIM  HIGHER TO THE SKIES, EVEN IF YOU FALL ,EVEN IF YOUR DEPRIVED  YOU`LL ONE  DAY BE AMONG THE STARS, ` THE ONLY PERSON WHO DECIDES HOW  SUCCEFUL U`LL BE IS YOU, because the Racial institution pandemic is searching  for only high skilled  minorities the rest they definitely think you`re parasites . 

Prince Edward County closed their public schools for five years in the rather than comply with Brown v. Board of Education ruling. Today In History, Black History Month, Thing 1, Civil Rights Movement, African American History, School Teacher, Public School, Prince Edward, Teaching

Therefor their  part of the mission is to socially mentally isolate you to join the  decent jobs, courses and Education.  

According to the statistic 90% of the minorities` jobs are RENHLD, PARTY TIME EMPLOYMENT AND OTHER LOW-PROFILE TRIVIAL PETTY JOBS. Even Logic and reason don’t need to explain these unjust social isolation nos! we live with these advanced pademic racial institutional discriminations in our societies.

So physiologically whatever job, course,educational programs that triggers you brain as a minority, you will subconsciously accept it with no exception.   

The fact is that, It’s already programmed systematically that Renhold and others low profile petty jobs are meant for minorities, the tricky is not to favour you but  marginalise you to act and work at law profile at their own pace. intentionally were you`ll  not be able to resistance or exercise your arguments in  whatever circumstances so that in case of dispute `THEY  HAVE THE ENDORSEMENT TO  FIRE AND HIRE, ENGAGE AND DISMISS “ like an automatic riffle because they have the power of economic control over you, they are backed by their network elite economical institutional system.  just like INTERNET TECH

Ungenerously, as a minority  you always be  deprived in all motives to act Naïve, act low, bow to them without resistance, Because the system is created to keep you out of their covalent Atom, like electrolysed electron searching whom to bond with.

I said  this  and I`ll  say it again,and again, you don’t need logic and reason to explain your circumstances  , you can self explanatorily examin  these strategies straight away back , day one you started applying to join school, the skolerådgivers, the “lærerne” assigned to talk too, the karakters you get after final examine , it just depressing, its just absurd .

You are subject of racial institution discrimination, Your denied the  fundamental rights to decent education.

Their  Institutional are platformed ironically programmed to neutralize you automatically to qualify for decent jobs  decent educational programmes, and this is systematic done to make you irrelevantly unqualified is not by coincide , 

So doubt not the  reason to why you are hired and fired, doubt not the reason to why you are working in  panic and fear, doubt not the reason to why you’re getting those deprived grades at school, doubt not the reason to why you choose that course , doubt not the reason to why your doing that job . The system is already programmed to compromise you physiologically with well-trained “Rådgiver” and teachers  



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